Tuesday, April 17, 2012

really badly need advice:(

heading to prague in 10 days really need some advice.

am stayin in wenceslas square how will i get to there from the airport. kinda scared about the whole taxi situation and the scams. im heading for four days was planning to get my euros changed to czech crown in ireland? good idea r not? should i be so worried bout the crime over there? i was told not to carry a handbag around becoz it%26#39;d probly be robbed. how much money should i bring? its myself and my boyfriend have hotel booked so i just need spending money. i cant think of any others q%26#39;s at the mo bu if ne1 cud get bak 2 me it wud be much appreciated



Goodness me - it sounds as though you expect to be going to the Bronx! It is one of the safest places I know, but you are right not to get taxis unless you follow the advice in this forum (hundreds of posts about this).

Just keep your wits about you as you would anywhere, don%26#39;t get drunk, and nothing will go missing.

Put your Euros back in the bank and get your money from a cashpoint when you get there, otherwise you will be ripped off when changing, and don%26#39;t pay in Euros when you get there as that is another scam.

AS for money - 1 beer should cost about 30 Crowns (c. 1 Euro) and you can get a decent meal for about 5 Euros. You should not need to pay entrance fees to most places, and most places in the centre are walkable, or reachable by tram/metro (about 1 Euro per ticket) so about 40 Euros a day should be more than enough for you both. Just avoid Irish bars and the like or you will end up spending a lot more than you bargained for and if you are going to do that then you might as well travel by taxi everywhere :)

Airport to Wencesals Square: Bus 119 to Dejvicka, then 4 stops on the metro to Můstek, or 5 stops to Muzeum, depending on which end of Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí) you want. You will need a 26 Crown ticket which you can get at the Prague Transport Company office in the sirport.

Enjy yr sty!


thanks so much. think ppl are jus tryna scare me becoz iv herd of loads of people going and they think its a really beautiful city. i have no idea what end of wencelas square im stayin. the hotel is the da vinci so if you kno? oh the irish pubs wud be abou rite like ireland itself expensive and a ripoff. an i kno this is an extremely stupid question but i hav a cirrus laser card and i jus wanted to kno cud it be used an wud the money come out in the czech crown? sorry its my first time travellin on my own an im quite nervous:(


My goodness reading your post seems like you are going to Prague with a frightning view of what it will be like, you have nothing to worry about,calm down and look forward to your time there. As GCEK says chenge your money in the ATMs they are in the arrival hall when you get there and your card will be fine and yes you will get local currency plus your card provider will probably charge you so best to check with your bank first,also its best to inform them you are going abroard.

As for taxis pre book on line cedaz.cz/… is good ,its a shared minibus it will take you directly to your hotel and will give a reduced fair for return trip.



let me put it like that. Change to be ripped of by taxi driver is higher than in ireland. Change to be beaten up is lower than in Dublin. Prague is safe city, the only scams are taxis (which don´t need staying in wenceslas square and if, you can always call radio taxi) and pickpockets (if you are not completely irresponsible, you won´t have problems with it). So don´t worry.


sorry - CHANGE meant CHANCE of course


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Most of Prague is much safer than UK and Ireland. Unfortunately Wenceslas Sq. is the exception to the rule.

By day it is heaving with tourists. At night, it is a bit of a magnet for stag parties, prostitutes and Roma gypsy pickpockets ( I think you have a similar problem with native gypos in Ireland!) Unfortunately, you have picked the hub of the strip joint and lap dancing industry in Prague.

My advice would be to travel to The Stare Mesto (Old Town) area, or perhaps Mala Strana area, for daytime sightseeing and nights out.

Prague is very safe, just have your wits about you in Wenceslas Square!


vcelak, what a terrible thing to say that most Brits and Irish come here to... Even during the height of the stag parties in Prague (2006-2007) they represented maybe 25 % of those nationalities. I do not know when you were here last but please be au courant if you are going to post here. I just took back 5 young guys who were here for a week (not a stag party, some Americans from CA - they loved the -10 -13 weather!) and they told me they did not encounter one prostitute on Wenceslas square


I agree Pivo its a terrible post that should be removed , I would like to know what he / she is basing their assumptions on ,First hand experience? I think not, maybe quite a few years ago which is perhaps when they last visited ,if they had been lately they would have seen that groups like he is mentioning have long since stopped visiting Prague as it is not the cheap beer holiday place it used to be.

Over the years I have seen many different groups from different parts of the world behaving badly as I am sure if he/she had been a regular visitor they would have seen this for themselves.

Its people like this that does the Prague tourist industry nothing but harm.



TA is very slow today. That post should have been removed already!

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