Tuesday, April 17, 2012

U Sedmi Svabu Medieval Tavern - can we take the kids?

Hi again and thanks for all info on my previous posts!As we will be staying at the hotel roma i was wondering if this could be a convenient and fun place for dinner?However we do have the kids therefore ;will it be a bit too rowdy?If so is there anywhere else we could have a fun meal medievel style?


I have been to this one and think it may be suitable.




Also have a look here.




I am pretty sure Stoofer,a regular poster on this forum ,took his young daughter there,I don%26#39;t think he was that impressed.

The Folklore gardens mentioned is very good,not medieval ,but a great fun night out.

This link is something similar.


I did this trip about 4 years ago and the Folklore gardens 2 years ago,I enjoyed both of them very much.

Please let me know what you think of the Hotel Roma,i am thinking of booking there for my next trip.


Thanks very much for your replies:)I think we might try the pavouka, shall see what the hotel recommends.Will post a report on the Hotel Roma when we return!



Good memory from Unclegus. I would definitely not recommend this place unless it%26#39;s off the menu for a very quick meal, even then I%26#39;m quite sure you can do better.

We attended the medieval banquet for the all in price with entertainment, very expensive but we assumed that was because of the great entertainment as per their website - how wrong we were - and the food was no great shakes either, I left quite hungry having eaten what I%26#39;d describe as cheap cuts and side dishes. It%26#39;s the only time I felt like a stupid ripped off tourist i Prague and I%26#39;m normally very savvy. The problem was trying hard to find something for my young daughter to enjoy - don%26#39;t fall into the same trap.

I%26#39;d follow the positive recs above.

Have a great time!



Stoofer,I may be getting on a bit,but the memory is still intact.

Norwegian68,don%26#39;t know what age your children are but this website may be of use to you.



I think we may drop the medieval dinner I expect we`ll have enough to do with just the 3 nights anyway.Have looked at the cafe savoy as it seems close to our hotel so we will hopefully get to try their other restaurants too.Have looked at their pricelists,how do they compare to other places?expensive or would you say moderate?The girls are 7 and 10 by the way.


Uncle, I thought a few brain cells might have succumbed to the beer :-)


I don%26#39;t mean to put you off all medieval nights, just reporting on our exoerience of the one you named. The concept was good, when we arrived it looked promising, maybe others do it better.



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