My fiance and I will be visiting Prague for our honeymoon in the middle of February. I studied abroad there but during my time there I didn%26#39;t frequent many of the large parks in the city. Even though it%26#39;s our honeymoon and that%26#39;s a valid excuse to not exercise, I%26#39;m a runner and I do like to run outdoors most mornings of the week. I have no issues running in cold weather, but I%26#39;m trying to find out which city parks are best for runners. We%26#39;re staying at the Crowne Plaza-Prague Castle so ideally I don%26#39;t want to venture too far from the hotel, but I don%26#39;t mind taking public transit as long as it%26#39;s not a lengthy ride. I assume parks are still %26quot;open%26quot; during the dead of winter over there like they are here in NYC.
Thank you for any feedback you can give!
As my beer belly will attest I am not a runner but I can tell you you are in a great location for running, your hotel is actually just on the edge of a huge park with loads of walkways (runways?). I often am working early in the morning and see people running everywhere, not just in the parks but along the river as well.
Thank you! I know there is that park practically next door, but I wasn%26#39;t sure if it was a good park for running because it%26#39;s so hilly. I don%26#39;t mind hills but I know that area is *extremely* hilly. But if you see lots of runners there then I can%26#39;t imagine it being an awful place to run. :)
Letna Park, on the other side of Prague Castle is pretty level. Sits on a big ridge looking over the city.
Petrin Park, on the other side, closer to your hotel is much more hilly.
I think Stromkova Park is the largest in the city and just north of Letna Park. The part I walked through was not hilly at all and like Letna Park was full of rollerbladers (this was in October).
You can access it by taking tram 12 to Vystaviste.
I agree Stromovka is a lovely park, but don%26#39;t think it is particularily convenient for OPs hotel.
OP said he doesn%26#39;t mind taking public transit.
I appreciate that - it%26#39;s up to him. But would need another tram not number 12. I am not sure which would be the best.
Haha, I%26#39;m a %26quot;she%26quot;, not a %26quot;he%26quot;, but thank you so much for the feedback! Stomovka doesn%26#39;t look so far from my hotel, but Letna does look even closer and since it%26#39;s relatively flat I might try Letna when I%26#39;m there.
Sorry, judge others by myself - women do not exercise, men do! (lol)
Hi mg,
I%26#39;m a %26quot;she%26quot; too and I ran middle distance when I was younger...until I wore out much of the cartilage in my knee. Now I walk :-)
The tram stop nearest your hotel is Pohorelec (220 m which I know is not considered walking distance by some but I figure is fine for a runner). There you can catch the #22 tram.
To get to Stromkova you would take the #22 to Malostranska stop and transfer to #12 that takes you to Vystaviste. Travel time would be approx 20 minutes.
Or at Malostranska you can get on the metro until Hradcanska from where the X1 bus will take you to Letenske Namesti (approx 15 min) and from there you can cross over into Letna park and just start heading back home.
Stromkova is big, flat and very quiet. It%26#39;s very close to Letna.
Letna has great views from the Hanavsky pavilion and from next to the beer garden. You should take along a camera if possible.
You can also walk over to the castle (as a warm up) and take the gardens behind it (along deer moat), past the Belvedere (sloped copper-roofed building),onto the sidewalk for about a block until you reach Masarykove Park which leads into Letna.
Petrin, closest to you, is a hill. The funicular was out of order when I was there and the walk up is steep, hence the funicular. The flatter part is closest to you but I think you would quickly run out of terrain and would have to run either up or down quite steep hills.
Not sure how long a run you%26#39;re thinking of but to give you some idea of distances, your hotel is about 3 kilometres/1.86 miles from Vystaviste.
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