Is Telc worth a day as I travel from Cesky Krumlov to Bratislava?
How are you planning on doing this journey? If you are going by car then it would be easier, but there is a 2-hour bus journey from České Budějovice to Telč at 9.00 am.
Telč is definitely worth a visit. I think I said somewhere else that you might enjoy other places more than Bratislava which is best to see in the summer - it is a bit quiet for the rest of the year.
Try and pop in on Brno - there is more to see there (including a UNESCO world heritage site) it deserves at least three or four days. Olomouc is also worth visiting on your way to Poland, or you could go south to places like Mikulov and then get a train from Břeclav to Poland - the possibilities are endless, but you don%26#39;t have much time :)
GCEK, if we (Funky Tee and I are not a %26quot;we%26quot;) drop by Brno, will you be our personal guide?
Possiamo ti dare una commissione. :-)
See my PM :)
I%26#39;ve not been to Brno myself, so I cant comment personally. I do know my brother spent a month there for work and my Slovak friends have been there; they find it pretty boring.
So why comment on it if you have never been there ? :)
I stayed overnight at Telc a couple of years ago. The centre is very pretty and worth seeing, but I am not sure what I would have done had I a whole day to spend there !
I too would give Brno a miss - very dreary. There are better place to go in Czech although Brno might be a place to stay for the evening on the way to somewhere else.
Just being honest GCEK, like you.
I know what you mean.
When I first arrived at the beginning of the 1990s I thought the same, but after a week or so you I realised what a fantastic place it is and how much there is to do (still finding more to do now!) - you need to stay there long-term and see it in all its different guises and get to know its people, who are totally different from anyone else in the Czech Republic. There are a lot of long-term ex-pats who think the same!
Don%26#39;t even think about going to Brno unless you intend staying for a while or if you know somebody there who can show you its secrets, many of which are under the ground in the medieval catacombs. Otherwise the odds are that you won%26#39;t enjoy it - it is somewhere where you have got to open doors and go into places in order to fully appreciate its complexity; explore a bit and it will be much more rewarding - it is no use wandering the streets waiting for miracles to happen - as Basil Fawlty would say %26#39;What did you expect? Herds of wildebeest? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon?%26#39; :))
A stay overnight on the way to somewhere else is definitely not to be recommended and would be a waste of time IMO. There are better places to do that in.
There we are - is that honest enough? :)
Not really, they were there and still bored?
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