Saturday, April 21, 2012

Prague pub crawl

Has anyone been on this and is it value? Seems like a good place to meet people but have some strange doubts about the whole set up. also could people recommend any good pubs to go that the locals also go to


or put pub crawl in the search box


if you mean this one,then the only people you will meet will be other foriegners intent on getting as drunk as possible as quickly as possible,most will likely be under 25 year of age.Any company that promotes this type of irresposible drinking is in my opinion not a reputable company and I for one would avoid them like the plague.

my opinion may have been different had I been a guilable 20 year old but certainly not now.

there are many very good Beer walks that are metioned on the thread Pennylane has posted and I would go with one of them.

this link will give you a list of good bars,beerhalls and brewery pubs that will give you a far better idea of beer drinking ,most also do very good Czech food.

I used this list for the basis of my 50th birthday tour a few years ago.…

Pivero ,a regular contributer to this forum has a beer blog and on that there are suggested pubs to visit and beers to drink,well worth looking at.



That was the one I seen. Just had an unnervy doubt about it all and that just confirms it. Will be trying those other pubs that is recommended. Thanks


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therestofme, you have obviously not read my many many posts on visiting bars and drinking beer in the Czech republic, I may be getting on a bit ,but I still understand value for money and know when I am being ripped off or when I enjoy going for the ride.

If you had any brains at all you could look at my avatar and work out where the photo was taken.

YES! it ids the Plzebn Brewery a place i have visited on 3 ocassions which is probably 3 more than you haave ever made.

I love Czech beer almost as much as I love Scotch Whisky ,but I will never ever condone drinking either to exccess as Prague Pubcrawl clearly wish to do..

It my experienceI find most Czech people like tourists that enjoy their beer,their food and their culture without going to extrems, maybe it is time you got out to some decent bars and got some new friends.


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I don%26#39;t get upset, I just get even!

therestofme,is a first time poster ,who obviously has some interest in Prague Pub crawl,a company that I have not said very good things about in the past.

I enjoy drinking ,I do not enjoy drinking to excess,and I do not like companies that encourage young people to over indulge in alcohol.

therestofme, I am visiting Prague again in late March /Early April,if you would like me to visit Prague Pub crawl ,see the facilities,look at the tour and drink in a modrate fashion,even though I am an old dried up prune,I would be more than happy to join you.I would be more than happy to observe and give a full and candid account of the evening to be published on Trip Advisor or any other forum .

In response if you come to my home city of Edinburgh I would happily introduce you to the finer qualities of Single malt whisky and maybe a tour or two of a distillery.

What say you?


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Good. Now you have got that off your chest welcome to the forum and we look forward to your many constructive contributions in the future.

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