Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day Trips from Prague to Adjacent Countries

I will be in Prague for 10 days and would appreciate advice on taking day trips to any adjacent countries. I would prefer very short train trips, as I have already paid for a hotel in Prague...and, as a teacher, I am on a budget.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you!!!


Dresden Germany. 2 hr min.

Student Agency bus is very nice and sometimes cheaper. You could visit Brno, Ceske Krumlov.

Train ride to Kutna Hora, Karlstejn


I keep suggesting Renaissance castle Nelahozeves, 45 min from Prague, they have the biggest private art collection in Europe. Including Breughels, Rubens, Canaletto etc. Great library too.

I second on Dresden. Wonderful City.


I have to stop reading this forum!!!

I`ve spent hours and hours to decide where to go for a small trip outside prague and now that i`ve planned everything martina comes up with Nelahozeves and i`m back at the beggining again :D



Kutna Hora



Thanks for all the good advice.

What about Wroclaw, Poland? Anyone know how long it takes by train from Prague, and any advice re: getting there?


Re: Day Trips (outside country) from Prague

What do you think of going to Wroclaw, Poland?

Anyone know how long the train ride there, and how much it costs?

Thanks again.


Wroclaw is 7 hours+ for all European trains.


For neighbouring country trips I can only really think of Dresden or Bratislava as being within easy striking distance and worth a visit.

As for day trips within the republic, it really depends on what you are after. In my opinion the towns with the best cheap/pretty/fun/close ratio are Hradec Kralove, Litomerice, Kutna Hora and Liberec.

Liberec has the added bonus of the fantastic Jested ( where on a clear day you can see both Germany and Poland without the need for arduous train journeys.


Your criteria is going to leave you with few

choices. To give you an idea, Czech Rep is roughly the size of S. Carolina. So, imagine what it would take to go from TN to SC. The distance seems relative but it is easier said than done.


Again, there are many day trips near Prague that are worthwhile.


How do you get from Prague to Nelahozeves? Do you need to go on a tour? How far from Prague is it?

is it worth a day tripzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/


I%26#39;ve passed the castle many times, but have never stopped. The train journey is quite pretty alongside Vltava river for most part. It might be worth going not just for the castle but for seeing the real Czech small town. Might be an eye opener.

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